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“There are few Fintech segments in the region that do not border on financial inclusion.”

Para Miguel Herrera (Partner, Quona Capital) la inclusión financiera está presente en la gran mayoría de los segmentos Fintech y es que las startups latinoamericanas son […]

“Innovation is always going to precede legislation.”

Así de rotundo se mostraba Gerardo Obregón, co-funder y CEO de Prestadero, durante su intervención el pasado 20 de septiembre de 2016 en FINNOSUMMIT en Ciudad […]

FINNOSUMMIT consolidates Mexico as the largest Fintech startup hub in Latin America

On September 20th Mexico City again became the epicenter of Fintech entrepreneurship in Latin America thanks to FINNOSUMMIT, an event that has positioned itself as a […]

Meet the BBVAOT 2016 winners from LATAM region

La competencia global BBVA Open Talent 2016 llegó ayer a su fin con la proclamación de los dos ganadores de la región de Latinoamérica que se […]

Deconstructing the Fintech sector in Latin America

The growth and development of the Fintech ecosystem in Latin America has been evident in recent months and years. An understanding of the Fintech solutions that […]

Financial institutions and Fintech, friends or foes?

Ya han pasado dos semanas de la celebración del evento Fintech que se ha proclamado referente en América Latina, FINNOSUMMIT en Ciudad de México 2016.  Enrique Majos, […]

What can we expect from Venture Capital in LATAM?

FINNOSUMMIT 2016, the top Fintech event in Latin America is just around the corner, and prior to the meeting, we have the opportunity to interview one […]

Destácame and Bitnexo: Winners of BBVA Open Talent 2015

Te invitamos a que descubras en los siguientes vídeos las presentaciones de las dos startups ganadoras:, que fomenta la inclusión financiera mediante la creación de […]

Whoever manages to analyze information in the shortest period of time will succeed

There are many reasons which have made Fintech a sector to look out for. The exponential growth in the last few years have made this an […]

Regulation is the first obstacle for Fintech startups. Why not change it?

Fintech innovations are a little more difficult to change because every time it is about to disrupt, it encounters with a wall we call regulation. Juan Llanos, experienced Fintech and Compliance Executive and Advisor, addressed the subject at the FINNOSUMMIT in Bogota.