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The Mexican Fintech ecosystem comprises 773 local startups and over 217 foreign entities operating in the market

At a community event held at the Habita Hotel in Mexico City, the eighth edition of the Finnovista Fintech Radar was unveiled, in partnership with Visa. The event featured a presentation by Sebastian De Lara Gomis, CEO of the FinTech Mexico Association.

Peru’s Fintech ecosystem grew 20.9% annually since 2021

Emocionante encuentro en la capital peruana, donde, junto a Visa, el gigante global en pagos, desvelamos los descubrimientos más recientes del Finnovista Fintech Radar Perú 2023.

The current vision of investors in Latin America and the Caribbean, crucial for defining and empowering the future of Fintech

Attention Fintech investors in Latin America and the Caribbean! From Finnovista, hand in hand with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and with the support of the Iberoamerican Fintech Alliance, we are calling on all funds and investors to participate in the region's flagship report.

The Argentine Fintech ecosystem is displaying signs of maturation, characterized by a moderate yet consistent annual growth rate of 11.5%

At this event, we were honored to have the following distinguished participants: Additionally, the event featured a session where prominent startups made presentations: Since 2021, the […]

The unstoppable rise of the Fintech ecosystem in Latin America and the Caribbean: What to expect in 2024?

The rise of financial technology in Latin America and the Caribbean has been an impressive phenomenon in recent years.

Finnovista contributes to the teachers training of the Ahorra y Emprende program of Fundación EDUCA

With the contribution of the FINNOSUMMIT community we were able to contribute to the training of the Ahorra y Emprende Early Childhood program for coordinators and teachers.

El ecosistema Fintech chileno crece con fuerza: 300 empresas y un impresionante crecimiento del 29,5%

En la tarde del pasado 10 de octubre, Santiago de Chile fue el epicentro de la innovación financiera en América Latina, y la razón detrás de […]

Invitation to Fintech Companies in Latin America and the Caribbean: Join the Largest Fintech Ecosystem Report by Finnovista and the IDB

Por cuarta ocasión, el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) y Finnovista, ambos referentes del Fintech en la región, suman fuerzas para producir el informe insignia sobre el estado del ecosistema en América Latina y el Caribe.

The startup Nauphilus wins FINNOSUMMIT Challenge 2023, followed by Zumma and the American company QUASH.

In the dynamic Fintech ecosystem in Latin America collaboration and strategic connections might be key to entrepreneurs’ success.

Changing lives through financial education: join our fundraising at FINNOSUMMIT

Este 2023 está marcando un hito importante en el viaje de Finnovista. Estamos celebrando con entusiasmo una década de dedicación a transformar la industria financiera en América Latina y queremos seguir contribuyendo al ecosistema y a la sociedad a través de la recaudación de fondos para la educación financiera de los más pequeños. ¡Únete a nuestra acción solidaria!